Novel Coronavirus 2019-nCoV - What Agency Workers Members Should Know
A novel (new) coronavirus capable of causing severe respiratory diseases such as pneumonia was identified in China towards the end of December 2019. The virus is referred to as the 2019-nCoV or Novel Coronavirus.
The Flame Lily Health Trust Europe Audit Results
The Flame Lily is one of the leading framework-approved healthcare, nursing and medical recruitment agencies in the UK. We are a one-stop staffing solutions provider with cutting edge solutions that improve our clients’ healthcare businesses. Our organization is governed by 6 values: dependability, approachability, professionalism, commitment, efficiency and humanity.
With face to the deadline; tackling the gender pay-gap in NHS is more about restructuring the ethics
United Kingdom: All organizations affiliated to NHS with more than 250 employees will have to publish a gender pay disparity data and submit it to Government Equalities Office latest by 4th of April. This will be the first time in the history of Great Britain that such a step is being taken and implemented mandatorily across all private and public sector bodies. Scotland and Wales have already published their figures. The public sector bodies in Great Britain are supposed to publish their reports by the end of this week.
What would you pick - 6.5% pay-rise or a single well-deserved holiday?
The UK government is offering nearly 1 million of its NHS staff pay-raise up to 6.5% over a period of next three years with a condition that would take-away the healthcare professionals’ one-day holiday. The deal, if sanctioned, will provide a benefit worth £3.3bn to the staffers.
NHS Improvement to ‘pause’ the introduction of the new agency rules
Dear The Flame Lily Healthcare Member, Following pressure from the Royal College of Nursing, NHS Improvement have decided to ‘pause’ the introduction of the new agency rules which prevent substantive staff from working as agency staff. These rules were due to come in to force tomorrow (1st April). It has written to trusts today telling them to “pause” the start of the controversial rule, in order to “engage with the sector”.
Is Patient Safety Being Compromised Due to The Pay Cap?
The Government, in an effort to cut down on costs and to bring back nurses into the NHS fold had introduced a pay cap on the amount that an agency could charge for a healthcare professional. The cap came into force in November 2015, at which time the Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt had said that staffing agencies had been able to “rip off the NHS by charging extortionate hourly rates”. However, in case the trusts felt that there was significant risk to patient safety, they could bypass the pay cap. Beginning November 23, 2015, when the rules first took effect, the “break glass” clause has been used 35,662 times between 228 hospital trusts.
Your Mortgage – Our Support
It’s that time of the year again – the moving season, and you are probably looking for houses to shift into. We, at The Flame Lily, understand how difficult and harrowing this process can be. You have found your dream home and now need to get a mortgage to secure it – a stressful process even for those with all the time in the world on their hands. We know that the hours you work, leaves you with little time to find and follow up on such matters. We appreciate your dedication and salute your commitment to your profession, and the company. The Flame Lily has always strived to make life as comfortable as possible for you. In keeping with our commitment to making your lives better and easier, we have collaborated with mortgage providers and can definitely help those of you who are looking for one.
We Have Gone Platinum AGAIN!
Renewing our accreditation and preparing for our annual audits – January and February are the busiest months for us here at the Flame Lily. Understanding the needs of our clients and ensuring that their staffing requirements are met by providing the best candidates is of paramount importance to us. We have always strived hard to maintain the quality of our services and staff, and this has been proven year after year through our accreditations and audits.
Are You Letting Your Dream Home Slip Away?
Helping our Nurses to get their dream home[/caption] Property prices are on the rise and all indicators show that they will continue to do so over the next few years. Both the sales and rent markets continue to show demand outstripping supply on a monthly basis. The fastest trend of upward moving prices is however, not in London but in the East of England, with East Anglia showing the fastest pace of increase.