Nurses Denied Access to CPD due to Staffing and Funding Pressures
You will agree with me that when you visit a hospital, you want qualified personnel taking care of you. However, things change so fast in the medical arena, making knowledge obsolete. Healthcare practitioners need training to bring them up to speed with new breakthroughs and development in healthcare. Disaster strikes when short-term healthcare goals compete with long-term health care goals. Healthcare institutions find themselves with increased patient populations that not only strain the nurses but also make it hard for the hospital to give nurses permission to get more training.
Revalidation Support to our Nurses and Midwives
The room erupted with claps and high fives, as we looked upon the smiling faces of our nurses, which just hours back were tense and glum. We could sense the tension building up, ever since the Nursing and Midwifery Council had voted to approve the revalidation process, two weeks back. Worried faces in the corridors, unanswered questions, doubts and misgivings about their future – all these were taking their toll on our nurses. The office had suddenly transformed from a happy and bright place to one that felt like a mortuary. Something needed to be done immediately, and that is when we decided to bring together all nurses registered with us, for a presentation on revalidation and how we, at The Flame Lily will support and help them through this process.